No Wait APP
Project duration: 09.2022-12.2022
Instructor: Paula Seo
A solution for restaurant waiting problems. I design an app to support users who can remotely join a waitlist and check the real-time waiting status. They can quickly select the restaurant that meets the user’s taste and has a short wait time by filtering.
APP Promote Video
Problem Satement
The users spend too much time looking for restaurants that offer the waitlist feature.
The users didn’t get accurate time about the number of customers dining at the restaurant even though they join the waitlist
The users didn’t know which restaurant doesn’t need to wait
User research-Secondary research

A January 2022 survey analyzed the maximum waiting times people were willing to wait for a table at a restaurant in the United States. While 38 percent of respondents said they would wait 15 to 30 minutes, just 3 percent agreed they would stay more than two hours.
Competitive Analysis

User research-Primary research
Questionnaire: 30 Samples
26 Questions

Target Market

User Journey Map-Christina

How Might We Exploration
HMW help users to save more time going to a restaurant in a waiting line?

HMW help users to save more time and clearly remind them to wait for status when they are in the waiting line?

High-fidelity Prototype
Usability Study
In my usability test, I interviewed a total of five people and conducted a usability study through "Task", "Click Path", "Observation", "Quotes", and "Task Completion". I find what aspects of the mockups needed refining based on their feedback.

Usability Study Findings & Improvements (Iteration)

User Journey Map with No Wait App

UI Features #



#Join the waitlist

User Experience Flow

Sign in/Sign up

Home Page


Deatil Page
Design System

Design system Video