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​No Wait APP

Project duration: 09.2022-12.2022

Instructor: Paula Seo 


A solution for restaurant waiting problems. I design an app to support users who can remotely join a waitlist and check the real-time waiting status. They can quickly select the restaurant that meets the user’s taste and has a short wait time by filtering.

​APP Promote Video

Problem Satement

  • The users spend too much time looking for restaurants that offer the waitlist feature. 


  • The users didn’t get accurate time about the number of customers dining at the restaurant even though they join the waitlist


  • The users didn’t know which restaurant doesn’t need to wait

User research-Secondary research

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​A January 2022 survey analyzed the maximum waiting times people were willing to wait for a table at a restaurant in the United States. While 38 percent of respondents said they would wait 15 to 30 minutes, just 3 percent agreed they would stay more than two hours.

Competitive Analysis

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User research-Primary research 

Questionnaire: 30 Samples

                          26 Questions


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​Target Market

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User Journey Map-Christina

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​How Might We Exploration 

HMW help users to save more time going to a restaurant in a waiting line?

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HMW help users to save more time and clearly remind them to wait for status when they are in the waiting line?

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High-fidelity​ Prototype

Usability Study

In my usability test, I interviewed a total of five people and conducted a usability study through "Task", "Click Path", "Observation", "Quotes", and "Task Completion". I find what aspects of the mockups needed refining based on their feedback.

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Usability Study Findings & Improvements (Iteration)

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User Journey Map with No Wait App


UI Features #






#Join the waitlist


User Experience Flow

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Sign in/Sign up


Home Page



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Deatil Page

Design System 

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Design system Video

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