Calliagnosia Neurostat Programming Helmet
1. What is the core function mechanism of this device?
Calliagnosia Programming Helmet is a device that promotes a programmable pharmaceutical called neurostat to prevent appearance discrimination. The neurostat is activated or deactivated by transmitting signals through a helmet the patient puts on. Calli turns off the brain's aesthetic response to human faces, preventing users from discriminating or treating others based on their appearance.
2. Create a diagram that shows the elements of the technology and how they are related to each other; OR a user flow or state diagram of the inputs, interactions and outputs in the system.
3. Is this technology feasible?
It could be feasible. Because ‘neurostat’ was an already developed technique.
4. Can you simulate this behavior? How? Indicate whether the simulation is high, mid or low fidelity.

It makes me think about AR or VR. The users need to wear the types of equipment ( headset, smartphone, sensor, and gloves etc.) to experience and immerse the environment by producing an entirely computer-generated simulation of an alternate world.
5. What do you think this device looks/feels like - are there any formal elements that have already been defined? What are all the different ways it could look/feel like (all the things that haven’t already been defined)?
The device looks like a helmet to simulate a specific brain lesion. It will do with a programmable pharmaceutical called neurostat; one whose activation and targeting are all under dynamic control. The helmet can control or activate different positions of the brain to make people can’t distinguish face’s appearance.
The device feels very complex. It requires a comprehensive understanding of neurology, electronics, materials, product design, programming, human brain structure, and other related expertise. There are still many elements that can’t be defined, like how do we solve the problem that the nerostat is embedded in the brain, or where the "aesthetic center" of the brain etc.
Neurostat looks like a formal element that has already been defined. It controls seizures in epileptics and for relief of chronic pain, such as the Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).
6. In addition: Sketch or mockup (collage, Photoshop, Illustrator,etc) at least 3 versions. Find or take a photo of someone’s face, and copy it so that you have 2 of the same photo side by side. On top of the right photo, create a graphical layer that helps “prototype” the view of someone with calliagnosia.

PLAY IT OUT - what do you think the implications are of using this device are? What happens...
upon first encountering it
after/during the first time using it
after 10 uses
after living with it for a year
when there are multiple devices (2, 3-10)
in a world where everyone has one
How are the implications affected by the way you designed it in step 5?
For the first time, everything looks pretty cool and interesting. The device changes the original look. After 10 uses, I may start to feel a little uncomfortable because what the decision presents conflicts with my past experience and feelings. The device starts to alter my reaction and responses to other people’s appearances. After living with it for a year, I have already gotten used to the device and won’t feel any emotional variation by people’s appearance. When there are multiple devices, those who wear the device will experience the same as I described. If in a world where everyone has one, I expect eventually people will not judge by people’s appearance anymore. With my design in step 5, people will eventually not be able to feel the differences in people’s appearance by wearing the device. Everyone has the same style of looking. The appearance variation will not bring people different responses anymore.
Final Effect
”a common sense of beauty”